Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Big Day Start Now.

Assalamualaikum sume...apa kabar ari nie???smg bahagia ye...huarrgghhh...sbnrnye xtau nak mula mcm mane..kalau tgk tajuk, mcm yo-yo-o je...haha...pelik kn tajuk 2..big day..ape 2 ye???haha...mesti ada kata kenduri kahwin la, bertunang la, kena propose la, ape lagi ek..haha...gatalnye sy..huhu...big day is the peak for this sem..knp??sbb this is my last year...big day adalah practicum day iaitu selama 14 mggu @ 3 bln 2 mggu..fuhhh...pjg kn...i mean, la..insyaAllah, hjg thn nie start keje dah...smmg lulus LJM dgn cemerlang...amin..
Penempatan kali nie...agak mencabar...

1st week - special care nursery
2nd week - peads surgery
3rd week - onco/hemato
4th week - surgery adult (male)/ burn ward
5th - 8 th week - community at klinik kesihatan
9th week - medical (female)
10th week - icu/surgery (female)
11th -12th week - OT room
13th week - medical (male)
14th week - peads medical

adakah sy sudah sedia utk memegang tggjwb ini setelah tamat belajar nnt...smg sy berjaya..
saya perlu menjalani praktikal kali ini dgn penuh smgt, berkeyakinan..rajin utk melakukn kerja serta rajin bertanya...sbbnya bla dah kerja nnt...susah utk kta bertanya...lebih lg kalau baru graduate kn...jd, ape plan dah hbs bljr nnt eh???ooppppsss, xhabis study lg...let just keep it in brain..teettt..hehe...
ok, nak study utk persediaan ptg ni..shif ptg today n tomorrow..adios...sayonara...

Monday, January 24, 2011

To The Sky - Owl City

Dada, dada, dadadadadadada

Dada, dada, dadadadadadada

Shipwreck in the sea of faces,
There's a dreamy world up there,
Dear friends in higher places,
Carry me away from here,
Travel light let the sun eclipse you,
'Cause your flight is about to leave,
And there's more to this brave adventure,
Than you'd ever believe,

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
'cause after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest floor goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky... you take to the sky

Dada, dada, dadadadadadada
Dada, dada, dadadadadadada

On the hills of lore and wonder,
There's a stormy world up there,
You can't whisper above the thunder,
But you can fly anywhere,
Purple burst of paper birds this,

Picture paints a thousand words,
So take a breath of mist and mystery,
And don't look back!

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
'cause after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest floor goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky... (you take to the sky)

There's a realm above the trees,
Where the lost are finally found,
Touch your feathers to the breeze,
And leave the ground,

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you,
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,
Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery,
'cause after all those wings will take you, up so high,
So bid the forest floor goodbye, as you brace the wind and,
Take to the sky... you take to the sky...(you take to the sky)

Dada, dada, dadadadadadada
Dada, dada, dadadadadadada

You take to the sky.

p/s : tetiba suka lagu nie..melody best!!! 
lagu utk ost 'Legend of the Guardians The Owls of Ga'Hoole'..jom tgk cta
thanx 2 my fren coz introducing me to this movie...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

kasut baru nak buang???

bkn nak buang kunun mcm peribahasa lah..hehe...
ade kaitan ke???motif??haha...mcm kwn i sebut 2 okeh...hehe
sbnr nye...dah lama nak luahkn mslh nie...ntah ler, dr dlu duk pendam...
habis terbuku di dalam paru2...haha...
knp ek...kalau kta nak lupakn sesuatu 2 tp makin kuat kta igt kat mende tuh??
adakh ini ujian utk aku???knp aku mcm x sedia menerima???
aku kena kuat...i have 2 forget that things...
jiwang ke???i mmg jiwang pun...hahaha...poyos...
mungkin kah aku nak ingat gak n x sanggup lupakn...
oh, no!!! kena kuatkn lg...(sigh)hhmmmm....

Friday, January 7, 2011

hujan = sejuk!!

ggrrrrrr..nie bkn mrah sejuk...wuwuwuw...dah berapa hari asyik hujan je kat Kelantan nie...pagi ke pagi hujan...owh, mcm duk kat tpt salji..wawawa...bkn ape, pijak lantai pun rasa sejuk yg amat...kipas lgsg x buka..pakai sweater..balut dgn selimut lak tuh..ish3...sejuk xyah nak kata...sume keja leh terbantut...nak basuh bj pun susah...baju basuh ari tuh x kering2 lg...ish..xleh merungut nie,..huahuahua...arghh..teramat malas lah d musim hujan nie...mcm winter lg sejuk kot!!!sejuk!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


ohaiyo!!!! assalamualaikum...
slmt menyambut  thn baru...di thn baru ini, sy menymbutnya di atas katil dgn bertemnkn selimut dan bantal sbb tidor....dush3..cni hujan la..pagi sejuk yg nyaman utk tdor yg tenang..haha...xde la..ptg nnt nak kluar utk home visit..jom jln2...
okeh, azam thn baru nak lupakn apa yg patut dilupakn..ape dia??teetttt...pastuh nak kawin awl..hak3...gatai!!!tp kn, bla tgk shout out mmbr2 kat fb...ramai yg kata nak kawen awl...smg dpertemukn dgn jodoh yg baik utk dunia n akhirat kelak...amin..

jd, utk semua pembaca, pelawat n sape2 yg ade d sana...slmt thn baru 2011...smg thn ini lagi baik dr thn yg lepas...jom smbg tdor balik...zzzzzzzzz....